This entry is a user-made guide and not verified by any eMule developer, but is still a helpfull addition for most users. You you can find questions and comments on this topic in a dedicated thread on our forum.
metFileRegenerator recovers downloads from eDonkey, eMule and compatible clients. V1.4 requires the installation of
Java Runtime Environment v1.4 or upper. In order to
recover files greater than 4GB it is necessary to use
v3.0.16 (8 of October, 2006) or later. Still developing.
When we added a download three archives are created in the eMule temp folder (
\eMule\Temp\, by default):
xxx.part (the download itself),
xxx.part.met (information on the parts - 9,28MB each one or less if one is the last one - of the downloading) and
xxx.part.met.bak(a backup of
xxx.part.met), being always
"xxx" a number.

In some occasions, after an unexpected closing of eMule or the operating system, one or more archives
xxx.part.met can get corrupted, thus disappearing its corresponding download in the eyelash
Transfers from eMule and a message of error in the window of
Log (eyelash
Servers) like this:
01/06/2006 14:53:07: Error of version of part.met file! (001.part.met => (null))
01/06/2006 14:53:07: Error: 001.part.met () corrupt, impossible to load the file
"Horror! Our download is lost when it only lacked 0,15MB of 617,15MB... "(paraphrasing to risalan
How to recover the missing downloads
/!\ Is important to make a backup of the temporary archives that we are going to manipulate, with the purpose of being able to return to the departure point in case that the first attempts are useless. /!\
Method 1
The simplest form and first that there is to try.
Without closing eMule move the file xxx.part.met.bak affected outside the directory \Temp(with the purpose of turning it "backup") and rename it to xxx.part.met
Close emule and copy to \Temp folder the renamed xxx.part.met, overwriting the existing one. Start eMule and verify if you have recovered your download.
If it has not worked, then ...
Method 2
- Select the file xxx.part of the missing Download. Press Next

- The process of recovery of the download will begin. A bar will show you the progress.
- If you have more downloads to recover, repeat the previous steps for every one.
- Close metFileRegenerator, open eMule (it will code hash of the download that had disappeared). You will have two equal downloads (or several to pairs): cancel the new download that you added, leaving the recovered one.
- You already can erase any backup that you did during the process. Make it carefully.

- If by means of this method you do not manage to recover the download and you obtain like result an error message that says: "download the file again and try MFR again" (yes, that message is so redundant), we will have to use...
Method 3Step 1If you do not know what download is the one that disappeared, find out what downlaoad that
xxx.part belonged to.
It can be that
the extension of command interpreter (eMule Shell Extension), that allows Windows explorer to show information on the content of the temporary archives of eMule, gives this information to you. It is enough with installing it and exploring the temp folder to see what download belongs each file. This information is in yellow globes (tooltips), the inferior bar of the window (the state bar), in the Vista "Details", among others.

Although a corrupt file
part.met will not show information and the most likely is than it is not worth of anything since the information that shows about
part is obtained from its corresponding
part.met, clear...
Perhaps you can find that information in the corresponding archives
xxx.part.met or
xxx.part.met.bak, opening them with a hexadecimal editor (Ultraedit32 or WinHex) or even with a text editor like
notepad.exe ( Notepad), but most often, in these cases, the file is empty or simply "it has disappeared".
Content of a file xxx.part.met. Opened with a hexadecimal editorAnother way is "to read" the file directly
xxx.part, or examining it with a hexadecimal editor and looking for in its head or the final part some data that identifies it (Take care! If the file is great, is likely that the hexadecimal editor takes
long time in opening it, being able even to temporarily block the computer), useful in case the download is a data file (zip, rar, iso, bin, pdf, etc...); or opening it with a media player like
VideoLan Client (more info in Help and Support> Features>
Preview Multimedia Files), usefull in case is a audio or video file.
If you do not manage to identify to what download belonged the orphaned
xxx.part, then that download is really missing.
Step 2
Once identified, start a new download of that
same file. Nosense it is "similar", has to have same hash that the original one.
If we press the secondary button of the mouse on this download and we select
Details, or simply we leave the cursor on this download, we will be able to find out what (number of) file
part belongs to it.
Once eMule has found sources for
all the parts (they do not appear
red parts in the bar) and in the
Information of the download the scetion
Joint of hashes available: say "Yes", or you have even downloaded a pair of megabytes of the file, stop the download and close eMule
Step 3- Open metFileRegenerator (requires to have Java Runtime Environment v1.4 o superior installed). Select Recovery. Press Next
- Specify the temp directory of eMule where is xxx.part of the missing download. Press Next
- Mark only:
- Write file met recovered in the old format.
Press Next - Select the file xxx.part of the missing Download. Press Next
- The process of recovery of the download will begin. A bar will show you the progress.
- If you have more downloads to recover, repeat the previous steps for every one.
- Close metFileRegenerator, open eMule (it will code hash of the download that had disappeared). You will have two equal downloads (or several to pairs): cancel the new download that you added, leaving the recovered one.
- You already can erase any backup that you did during the process. Make it carefully.

* Note: metFileRegenerator creates a directory in eMule temp folder called
\MFRcache and so many
xxx.part.met.old files as downloads you have recovered. After successfully recover all your downloads, you can erase them.
eMule Morph mod includes, through the contextual menu that appears pressing with the secondary button of the mouse on a download, the option "
Import parts to file" that is used indeed for the thing explained in this post.
After adding the same download that was disappeared, you select it this option and you choose the file
xxx.part of the missing download. It can recover "great" downloads (files greater than 4GB).
In some cases the fatality can occur of
all the list of downloads disappear. In this coarse, concrete, situation maintain the calm, verify in
Options>Directories that the path specified for
Temporary Files points to the right directory and restart eMule, to recover all our downloads. It is advisable to make a backup of the temporary files before restarting eMule.
Since in very rare occasions a download has disappeared form my list and it was long time ago that I underwent it for the last time, can have errors in the explanation that I have given of the process to recover downloads by lack of practice. I wait for your corrections.