This entry is a user-made guide and not verified by any eMule developer, but is still a helpfull addition for most users. You you can find questions and comments on this topic in a dedicated thread on our forum.
How To Get A Reliable Server List & A Good IPFIlter
Today in eMule is very important to have a reliable server's list free of fake servers , wich give us a fake HighID and fakefiles. Someones before me have shared their experience with eMule user's and have give you the gift of theirs tutosand tips about this theme.
I have not invented the way to get the reliable server list or the way to get a good IPFilter. But I want to contribute with this visual tutorial to make more easy still this 2 basic, in my honest opinion, tasks in emule for the newbies and not so newbies.
This tuto is also avalaible in 2 more versions:
Versión Española Version Française Click here to go through the IPFilter tuto only
How to get a reliable servers list
1) In eMule programm, go to Options, in the eMule taskbar.

2) Select in the left Menu the option "Server", like in the pic below.

3) In the box at the top right after "Remove dead server after" and before to "retries" put 10

4)Push the button "List"

5)It will be open the notepad adresses.If there is something wrote in there, delete it.

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